Model Forms and Procedures provided by The Employment Adviceline

Model Grievance Policy and Procedure for a non-unionised company.  (For a unionised organisation, different policies and procedures will apply)

Grievance Policy

The company recognises that employees may wish to raise employment-related grievances.  It is our policy to encourage employees to raise their problems and questions so that they can be dealt with as quickly as possible and, hopefully, to everybody's satisfaction.  The following procedure should be used when an employee wishes to raise a grievance, except in the case of an appeal against a disciplinary decision; in the latter case the separate disciplinary appeals procedure should be used.

Grievance Procedure

It will often be sufficient to raise a grievance informally with your immediate superior, who will try to resolve the matter speedily and without recourse to more formal procedures.
If your grievance cannot be resolved informally or your grievance is more serious, you should raise the matter orally or in writing with ........................... , who will discuss the matter with you and record the details of your grievance and your conversation. You will receive a decision, normally within 5 working days of your discussion.
If you are dissatisfied with the decision, you should raise it with ............................ , who will obtain the records from ....................... , discuss the matter with you and reconsider the decision.  A further decision will be given to you, usually within a further 5 working days of the latest discussion.
Should you still remain dissatisfied, you may write to ................................. , who will obtain the earlier records and reconsider the matter after discussing it with you as necessary.  A written decision will be given to you, normally within 14 working days of receiving your written request.  This decision will be final and there will be no further stage in the procedure.

Note for employer  The number of stages in the procedure and the persons involved will depend on the size and resources of the company.